Business Energy is a complex market, we have the expertise and supply chain to match your companies energy needs with the most suitable product for your business.

Our aim is to make your business as lean, profitable and risk adverse as possible through ensuring you have an effective long term procurement strategy in place for your businesses essential spend. Smarter Procurement do not charge for cost reviews and 100% of the savings are passed back to our clients. Our advice is informed, knowledgeable and industry specific meaning you can concentrate on ensuring your company is making profit through the front door, while we maximise the bottom line through eliminating unnecessary spend.


Whether you are a small one person business or a large corporate company it is important to manage your businesses electricity spend and ensure you are aware of the risk associated with the contracts that you have in place. This can be achieved through implementing an electricity procurement strategy.
​​From our experience, the main objective of most businesses that we speak to is to secure the most competitive fixed term contract to ensure budget certainty and minimise risk when agreeing their energy contracts. This is mostly agreed on a 12, 24 or 36-month contract, dependent on how often they want us to negotiate pricing on their behalf. To provide the best level of service Smarter Procurement will tender your electricity or gas supply to 15 separate energy companies.​
Once you have selected the most suitable supplier from the tender process we will handle the process of switching from your incumbent to the new supplier.


Smarter Procurement helps its customers understand what their Gas contract entails, as a small to medium business you want convenience, clear and best priced offers, with no hidden costs.​
As with all of our procurement services we will provide a completely impartial pricing service and will tender your upcoming renewals to not just the “big six” but over 15 different suppliers to achieve the best possible price and best tariff for your business needs. This includes green suppliers for the more eco conscious.​
Unlike Electricity, SME Gas contracts can sometimes be tendered up to a year in advance meaning you can take advantage of buying your contracts in advance and locking prices in when the energy market is low. For instance, locking prices in at the peak of summer when gas prices are at the lowest.​
Our expert account mangers work with our risk analysis team to inform our customers when is best to buy.​

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